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December 28, 20173 Tips for Better E-mail Marketing
March 1, 2018What is the most important real estate on your mailing envelope? It is the upper left-hand corner, the location of the return address. It is here that your prospect will often decide to open your envelope… or not.
Here are three reasons this space helps recipients decide to open your envelope:
Existing customer relationship: If the mailer is from a company the recipient already does business with, studies show that they will often open the envelope simply because of that relationship. Even if they do not have an immediate need for the product or service, they will often open it because it is you. If you are mailing to existing customers, play up that relationship and make sure your company is clearly identified.
Brand recognition: If it is from a well-known brand that the recipient does not do business with but they respect, they will often open the envelope as long as it is a product they are interested in. Here is where positive, established brand identity and smart targeting play an important role.
Attention-getters: To get people to open an envelope from a company or organization they may not know, use attention-getting techniques such as images, colorful brand logos, and other techniques. Some even use the signatures of celebrities. One nonprofit, for example, gained permission to use the signature of actress Natalie Portman above its logo to attract attention. Identification with a well-known figure can have a powerful effect. Just make sure that you have the correct permissions and that the images relate to the product or service you are marketing.
Take advantage of this powerful real estate. Use it to create a powerful emotional connection and tell a story, even before the envelope is opened.
Source: Taken from the video “Engaging Envelopes: The Corner Card,” sponsored by Tension Corp. and hosted by Target Marketing